The OnLine Exclusives are available now. There are lots of new awesome items in this release but also some oldies but goodies. Be sure to check out the two circle punches that are back – for how long – only SU knows the answer. They also added in to this promotion all the kits and some of the branded merchandise – like tumblers, shopping bags, and clothing. If you see something you like please get it now. Stampin’ Up! has said things may be around for awhile and others might not be restocked????

The bundle below was available for demonstrators to preorder so you may have seen many cards made from this set.

I used the dies to make a card a few days ago. You can see it here. I did not list it in he products on that post because it was not available at the time. Maybe I should go back and change the post.

Here is one of the die sets featured in the OnLine Exclusives. I can’t wait to play with this one.

Please go check out all the OnLine Exclusives here.

Stamping Hugs,
